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Are you one of the Asian Missionaries being called to go to the field?

Treachery on the Twisted River – Book Trailer

Treachery on the Twisted River – Book Trailer

Hidden in the swamps near the southern coast of New Guinea lived a tribe of cannibal-headhunters known as the Sawi. They built houses perched on poles forty feet above the forest floor in villages on the banks of a river known as the Kronkel, the Dutch word for "twisted." Skilled in surviving in the untamed jungle, Sawi of all ages were expert hunters and fishermen. With their bows and arrows, spears and bone knives, they could capture and kill wild pigs, gather grubs from the trunks of downed trees, and trap freshwater shrimp in baskets woven from palm fronds. But the Sawi also lived violent lives. They resolved disputes by treachery and murder and battled other tribes for territory. They were filled with fear of spirits they believed lived in the river and the surrounding jungle. The Sawi had never heard the true story of the God who sent His Son to make peace with humanity. Then one day, a man, his wife, and their baby boy made their home in a Sawi village and began to learn the local language so they could teach the Sawi about this God. Would the Sawi accept this man's strange new message or receive it with fear and betrayal? Treachery on the Twisted River is an adaptation of Don Richardson's best-selling book, Peace Child, which documented his family's life among the Sawi and the tribe's encounter with the transforming message of the gospel. 🔔 Subscribe and ring the bell so you don’t miss out! FOLLOW US: 📸 INSTAGRAM ► 👍🏼 FACEBOOK ► 🐦 TWITTER ► #donrichardson #peacechild #pioneers Ted and Peggy Fletcher were the most unlikely people to start a missions organization. Want to know why? Watch the 1 minute story here: Since 1979 Pioneers has been planting churches among unreached peoples, and the story is ongoing today. Want to know how you can be involved? ⬇️ This could be you! • Short Term ▶︎ • Mid Term ► • Long Term ► Ready to go? Start here: Want to join our prayer team? Become a Courier:
Prayer Time #3 - The Hindu Worldview

Prayer Time #3 - The Hindu Worldview

Join us as we pray together for Hindu people and the missionaries working among them, all over the world. Prayer Time is a recurring online event where we have conversations with Pioneers field workers about their context and the people they work with. Throughout the event we pause for dedicated times of collective prayer. Join us as we pray for the Nations and the missionaries working around the world. While the hope of the gospel has been spreading for thousands of years, millions of people have not yet had an opportunity to hear it. Determined to reach the ends of the earth with the Good News, we are dedicated to the relentless pursuit of the unreached. SUBSCRIBE ► WEBSITE ► CHAT, CALL OR VISIT ► FOLLOW US + FACEBOOK ► + TWITTER ► + INSTAGRAM ► ABOUT PIONEERS Making Disciples | Reaching the Unreached | Working Together + STATEMENT OF FAITH ► + CORE VALUES ► For 40 years now, in partnership with their local churches, Pioneers missionaries have been using innovative and creative means to bring the gospel to every corner of the globe. Founded in 1979 by former businessman Ted Fletcher and his wife, Peggy, Pioneers partners with local churches to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples—cultural and ethnic groups without a self-sustaining witness to the gospel in their own cultures. From business and education to healthcare, agriculture, the arts, and more, our 3,000-plus global members use their diverse gifts and experience to serve in needy communities. Whether in sprawling cities or rural villages, our teams make their homes in unreached contexts and learn new languages. They use innovative and creative means to build relationships and make disciples. They introduce people to the Bible and share the gospel in culturally understandable ways. Each missionary is commissioned by a sending church. The sacrificial gifts of friends, family, and churches provide financial support. This makes it possible for cross-cultural missionaries to work alongside local believers with a heart to see disciples making disciples, worldwide. Musicbed SyncID: MB01HHVLJDAOKMW
The Spirit of North Africa

The Spirit of North Africa

This vibrant, colorful land produced some of the world’s most influential Christians in the earliest centuries. But after Islam arrived, the Church all but disappeared. Now, more than a millennium later, local and foreign Christians are working together and the Church is being reborn in the Ancient World. Learn more about Pioneers work in North Africa here: 🔔 Subscribe and ring the bell so you don’t miss out! FOLLOW US: 📸 INSTAGRAM ► 👍🏼 FACEBOOK ► 🐦 TWITTER ► #globalchurch #northafrica #pioneers Ted and Peggy Fletcher were the most unlikely people to start a missions organization. Want to know why? Watch the 1 minute story here: Since 1979 Pioneers has been planting churches among unreached peoples, and the story is ongoing today. Want to know how you can be involved? ⬇️ This could be you! • Short Term ▶︎ • Mid Term ► • Long Term ► Ready to go? Start here: Want to join our prayer team? Become a Courier: 00:00 In Ancient N. Africa, the Church would have died 00:32 If not for the Saints of old 01:06 1,000 years later 01:21 The Church is being reborn 01:45 Will you join the movement? Music Sync ID: MB01ZS43LVJWC63
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